A friend recently challenged me on my suggestion that people who read
only non-fiction are missing truths and realities. After all, my friend said,
non-fiction is exactly about truth and reality not imagined situations and
manipulated affairs.
I think my friend has only a portional grasp of what makes
reality. And I told him so. Let me explain. As a journalist I was able to write
about things and people working their way through sometimes difficult
situations. I remember interviewing and reporting on men who spent years in
solitary confinement in the hell that was the Hanoi Hilton prisoner of war camp
in Vietnam. I Interviews a man who was on death row in the Kentucky State
Prison. I reported on families devastated by tragedy. I covered a major air
crash. In all of those stories I reported faithfully and, I believe accurately,
all that I was told. I reflected the realities I was told and observed. But I
did not—could not—tell the whole story. I left the complete story untold simply
because it had not happened yet. How did
those Vietnam POW’s handle their return to society, the changed families and
social conditions? Did that condemned man die in the prison or was his sentence
commuted. How did the families stalked by tragedy continue with the rest of
their lives?
Fiction allows the completion of stories. It allows us to
see the ultimate impact upon an individual or situation in a way that the
snapshot of journalism cannot. Fiction gives us insights into the human mind
and psyche that non-fiction cannot even begin to comprehend. Through fictional
stories we get glimpses into the thoughts, emotions and desires that motivate
actions in a way that is unavailable to straight reporting. It wraps up a human
condition, a human story so that there is a definitive conclusion—the very
thing that is lacking in journalistic efforts.
But there is more. In the midst of horrific events, fiction
can provide a ‘feel good’ perspective of some aspect of the event—a person’s
reactions, someone’s emotional response. As we “see” the event through the eyes
of one individual, we can understand actions and reactions, appreciate others
responses and comprehend that one event in the myriad of other events which
make up life on this planet. We understand the role that that one specific situation
has in the ongoing story of mankind.
There’s something else reading fiction can provide. Truth!
Fiction allows lessons to be taught and conclusions to be
drawn. We can see that certain attitudes or actions always results in certain
responses. A criminal act does result in punishment—perhaps legal or perhaps
psychological or societal. But it does result in some form of punishment. That
is a lesson that can be drawn to its fullest conclusion through fiction. The
great Shakespearean tragedies such as Hamlet
or Macbeth teach this, as do the stories of fictional detectives like
Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot.
On a grand scale, the determination and heroism of small
individuals against massive and seemingly overwhelming forces permeate the
works of Tolkien in Lord of the Rings
and The Hobbit or C.S. Lewis’ Narnia
tales. And show us that fortitude and perseverance are qualities that can
defeat mighty foes
All of this teaching of truth can be summed up by the use
made of fiction by the greatest teacher of all time, Jesus Christ.
His parables about treating others with love and respect
regardless of society’s attitudes (The Good Samaritan; the woman at the well)
illustrate truth in a way no nonfictional report can. How about the insights
into family relationships—good and bad—in the story of the prodigal son? There
are so many parables that teach us how to interact with others, the necessity
of honesty and truthfulness, the responsibilities we have to one another. All
true and all taught through fiction
Jesus, the great
teacher, knew one simple fact about people that my friend and those who scorn
fiction seem to forget: People LIKE stories! Stories uplift. They
bring happiness, laughter, insights, joy, tears, warmth, wisdom and clarity
into our lives. A life without fiction is a life half-lived.
Those who boast of reading only non-fiction I believe have
huge holes in their intellectual totality. They need to read some great
stories—some of the classics perhaps and maybe some lighter stuff just for fun.
But I firmly believe that they will be richer for the experience.