Interview with Barrie Doyle
Perspectives on writing
Q. What was the inspiration for your first novel,
“The Excalibur Parchment”?
A. I have always been intrigued by the
legend of King Arthur, Merlin, Excalibur and Camelot. Historians—who once poo-poohed
the idea of Arthur as a “myth’—are now acknowledging that a mighty warrior king
galvanized the Celtic peoples of the post-Roman era in Britain and led them in
battle against Saxon invaders. So I began to question who, what, where and why
(my journalistic training) these people were. I devoured all the stories and
novels. As the story of Excalibur Parchment began to take shape I added new
elements. I postulated that Merlin was an arch Druid which was extremely likely
given the nature of Druidic faith as well as the power and role of Druids in
Celtic culture. The reality is that the “new” Christian faith was infiltrating
Britain at the time and the old faiths, whether Druidic gods or Roman gods,
were falling by the wayside. I was also intrigued by the current mood in
societies around the world to break away from known national identities and
rework themselves into more compact almost tribal entities. You see it
happening in Canada in Quebec for example, as well as in Turkey with the
Khurdish peoples, and many other groups in many other nations. So the concept
of a rebuilt, rejuvenated, aggressive group determined to reassert themselves
became a premise to develop. The result was modern Druids trying to
re-establish their faith by destroying the one religion that defeated them back
in the Dark Ages. Fold in some modern-day terrorism and link it to the existing
stories of King Arthur and his iconic sword Excalibur and, voila! The Excalibur Parchment.
Q. So what then, was the inspiration for “The
Lucifer Scroll”?
A. With the end of “The Excalibur Parchment” there were
still some loose threads. What would become of Stone and Mandy? Was the Druid
movement finished? Did Huw recover from his wounds? I love history. I am fascinated
by the past and how the tendrils of history waft around our modern day,
impacting our culture and politics and worldviews in ways we don’t even
realize. As I studied the Nazi era I was intrigued by the undertones of evil
and the occult that permeated the Nazi system. The satanic rites and ethos of
the SS, the determined searches for ancient icons such as the Ark of the
Covenant and the Spear of Destiny—Die Heilige Lanze—and other religious
artifacts that the Nazis believed would make them indestructible. The
fascination with the occult driving Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and other Nazi
leaders, underscored a rising, almost unstoppable evil. There are stories that
the “spears” found in the Vatican and a museum in Vienna are fakes and this too
underscored the allure of the Spear of Destiny. Fold in the stories of Nazi
leaders escaping in U-Boats with art treasures and artifacts at the end of the
war. At the same time, history also led me to Istanbul, the city that straddles
two continents and two cultures and that for hundreds of years was the centre
of the world. It was time to put everything together—the characters from The Excalibur Parchment, the intriguing
history of the Nazis and the occult, and the rich history of Istanbul. The Lucifer Scroll brings them together
in a unique way, I believe, and tackles the subjects of terrorism, the occult,
and that hostility towards Christianity.
Q. Did you outline the books before you started
A. No. I never outline. It is, for me,
too structured and constraining. I have heard other writers say the same thing,
but I have now experienced this phenomenon myself: the characters drove the
book and told their own story. I was often as surprised by a plot twist or
development as any reader would be. I remember coming to a point in Lucifer where Stone Wallace and his
American intelligence agent friend Chad Lawson were under attack. (Spoiler
Alert): We were in Wales at the time and had plans for a little
sightseeing that afternoon. I remember leaving the story wondering how on earth
they were going to get out of the incredibly tight trap they were in. I had no
idea. When I got back to them the next morning they very gently led me along
and showed me how they did indeed escape. Similarly, in Excalibur, I had Brother Thomas and Owain lost on the Welsh moors
in cold wet weather, or wading hip deep in frigid rivers, or hiding in caves.
None of that was outlined. My characters told their stories and led me down
paths I would never have dreamed of if I had outlined the book first. Outlining
works for some novelists I suppose, but not for me.
Q. What made you set both stories largely in
A. Wales is certainly an important
location, but by no means the only or primary one. Wales is a beautiful,
intriguing, musical, history-filled, castle-filled, legend-filled nation that
sits quietly beside England and its raucous neighbours Scotland and Ireland.
The Welsh are just as feisty, just as proud and just as vocal as their Celtic
cousins. But Wales is also a largely ignored in the pantheon of literature,
particularly South Wales and its valleys. So, as a Welsh-born writer, I had a
virtual blank canvas to work with. The beauty of the land is astonishing. From
the rocky cliffs of Glamorgan and Pembroke to the upland moors and narrow
valleys, the countryside is breathtakingly beautiful. Add in the generous warm
spirits and lilting accents of the Welsh and I can truly answer the question of
why Wales is so prominent in the books with a question of my own: why not?
Q. What locations, other than Wales, are prominent
A. I lived for a number of years in
Washington D.C. which is a city loaded with intrigue, history and excitement.
London, England is my favourite city in the world. I love to walk its streets
and soak in the history and the culture. Venice and Istanbul are locations I
chose particularly because of their historic nature and also because of their
scenic uniqueness. Only twice in my life can I say that my breath was truly
taken away by a sight: once was my first view of the Grand Canyon. The other
was walking out of the railway station in Venice onto what seemed to me to be a
medieval stage set. Istanbul, or Constantinople, is also one of those cities
whose influence and historic nature transcend the centuries and the ebb and
flow of various cultures. It is a city I believe everyone should visit—modern
terror activities notwithstanding—in order to comprehend who we are as a people
and as a culture.
Q. Those are all major cities. Anywhere else?
A. Absolutely. In Excalibur there are a number of locations—some identified by their
real names and others by fictional names such as Llanfyron—across South Wales.
Careg Cennan in particular is a lonely, brooding castle ruins in the Brecon
Beacons near Carmarthen. Then we travel to upstate New York on the shores of
the St. Lawrence River, the New Forest in Hampshire, England and the
Broceliande Forest and Paimpont in Brittany, France. As I wrote Lucifer
I included a number of other locations that enabled the story to be spread over
a wider scope even than Excalibur. So
we wind up exploring the English Lake District, the Austrian Tyrol in the area
around Zell am See, north Wales and in particular, the island of Anglesey. In
North America I was enchanted with the small New Mexico town of Truth or
Consequences. It is a small unprepossessing place in the desert and was named
after a long-gone television game show. But its name elicits all kinds of
delicious irony as the location of an isolated prison. In Canada, the real
beauty of the Georgian Bay area with its blue waters, thousands of islands and
picturesque towns had to appear. So the books really reflect my own travels as
well as the places I’ve lived and enjoyed. I hope readers will vicariously
enjoy these many different and captivating locations and, perhaps, set out on
their own journeys of discovery as a result.
Q. How accurate are your locations in both books?
A. Hopefully very accurate. I love to
travel and have visited all these places. I have walked the streets of London
and Istanbul that are described in the books. I have visited many of the sites
identified in them such as Haghia Sofia in Istanbul, the Lido in Venice, and
The Houses of Parliament in London. I have taken trains from Euston station,
ridden boats in Georgian Bay, driven through the New Mexico deserts, walked the
Tyrolian Alps and sailed around Lake Zell in Zell am See. I was speaking with
one reader who cornered me in Wales and said “I know the spot where Brother
Thomas sat and prayed.” She pointed at a particular spot on the side of the valley
and I had to confess that yes that was indeed the place I had in mind when I
wrote that scene. Hopefully those who’ve gone to Venice had the same
breathtaking experience I had when they saw the Grand Canal for the first time.
The same for readers who walk inside Haghia Sofia and take in its immenseness
and grandeur even 1,500 years after its construction. And hopefully they will
agree that I have indeed captured the scene well.
Q. What motivates your characters?
A. The antagonists of the stories, the
vengeful and zealous Druids, are motivated by greed and lust for power but as
well by a determination to revert to an ancient pagan faith. To them, modern
day religions such as Christianity have too long influenced society, culture,
politics and governance. They see a world that is failing. They see society
breaking down. They see “religion”, especially Christianity, as something to be
despised and disposed of. For them, a return to the pagan gods of the earth,
fire, war, and the underworld is the motivation. They believe if Christianity
is destroyed along with the other one-god religions of Islam and Judaism, the
door will be open for them. As pagan worshippers they will step into the gap
they created and bring the world back under the domination and power of their
ancestors. As believers in the gods of war and the underworld, they are immune
to concepts like mercy and pity. So compromise and accommodation is
unacceptable. It is total war for them with a goal of annihilation of the
Church. Nothing more and nothing less. And that leads to various terrorist
attacks and plots, all of which are allowed, even though it means mass deaths
of innocents.
Q. Sounds like something out of today’s
A. Absolutely. It is this type of
philosophy that motivates ISIS and other terrorist groups. They extrapolate
real or imagined insults or actions into motivation for mass murder. Murder is
condoned, even promoted as in jihad, because the greater good in their eyes
outweighs the pain and suffering of some. It is a total rejection of any sense
of humanity, replaced by an evil lust for power and domination. Concepts of
peace, justice, love, harmony and friendship are anathema. Instead, anarchy is
encouraged as a weapon to destroy whoever is in your way so that in the end the
strongest—you—will survive. A friend of mine read Excalibur and blurted out
that to him it seemed the story was ripped from the headlines. He was quite
surprised when I told him that the bulk of the story was written long before a
group known as ISIS was created. And I believe that ISIS is a deadlier, even
more evil incarnation of Al Qaeda with its tendrils snaking through our
communities and recruiting vulnerable people. Just as the Druids do in my
Q. Okay, that takes care of the bad guys but what
about your heroes?
A. In Excalibur there are two protagonists in the story that’s set in the
1300’s and there are two main heroes in the Twenty-first Century story. Brother
Thomas, the monk who saves Excalibur, is a particular favourite of mine. He’s a
man who wants to do the right thing but is constantly insecure about his
abilities and unsure of his own strength to carry out what he’s called to do.
He falters and fails. He questions God and the direction he has to protect
Excalibur from the Druids. He leans heavily on and admires his companion
Brother Owain’s calm assurance and strength. The motivations of both are
complex and yet simple. Owain loves a girl and wants to leave the abbey and
return to a secular life. He’s what we would call today a “streetwise”
individual, smart in the ways of the forest and willing to loyally support his
friend Thomas even if he doesn’t have all the information he needs to make a
rational decision. But at the same time his motivation is simple. Even at the
end, his motivation is much more prosaic. He wants to be with his love. Thomas
is simple in that he just wants to be left alone, content with where he is,
wanting to experience life but actually unwilling to put forward the effort.
His goal is an unremarkable life serving God in his abbey. The complexity of
his motives become apparent as he wrestles with the desire to serve God and
tries to learn how to trust God at a time when every solid thing in his life is
stripped away. He struggles to understand God’s call upon him, to learn how to
pray and how to yield to him which, in turn, leads to great growth. He becomes
the man he wants to be: faithful, courageous and even strategic. I think that
anyone who seeks to be a practicing Christian struggles with exactly the same
things. How do you know what God wants? Can you truly trust God? Indeed, is
there really a God at all?
Q. That’s okay for the monks of the 1300’s, but
what about your modern day protagonists?
A. Stone Wallace goes through the same
kind of questioning except that he never even starts with the premise that
there is a God or that he even wants to believe in him. Rather, Stone has been
deeply wounded by life and loss and so seeks to wrap himself in his career as a
journalist. The workaholic mindset has left him alone with no family and few
friends. As he gets involved in the search for Excalibur he too undergoes a
metamorphosis. He wants to do the right thing but doesn’t know how. He looks to
the one person who, in some senses, has been a father figure. Huw Griffiths is
a man Stone admires. He’s mentor as well as friend. Most of all Stone admires
Huw’s solid faith despite the losses in life Huw has sustained. From the
sidelines Stone is slowly drawn in to the point where he has to let go all the
concepts and ideas he’s held about religion and faith and look at the impact
Huw’s beliefs have. Stone will struggle and slip and slide as he works his way
through these issues and is soon motivated by a simpler aspect of humanity, the
glimmering of love as he works with Huw’s daughter Mandy. For Huw it is much
simpler. He is motivated on one level by his professional curiosity as a
historian, archaeologist and theologian. He is driven to know, to dig deep
until the mystery is solved. At the same time, Huw has the more complex
motivation of guiding his younger colleague out of his self-imposed armour and
learn to allow himself to be hurt, to be vulnerable as he grows into a deeper
more rounded person.
Q. Both Stone and Huw appear in “The Lucifer
Scroll” as well. Are they still struggling or are they content with the answers
they got in “The Excalibur Parchment”?
A. Certainly Stone is still struggling. He finally
comes to terms with his father’s untimely death and visits the grave for the
first time since he was thirteen. His mind is still swirling, struggling with
what’s he’s learned in theory about God and about prayer but still unable to
fully trust and still unable to practice what he now seems to want. It is then
that bullets fly by his head and the whole nightmare starts again. Huw is just
as blustery and determined as ever, seeking to get to the bottom of every
mystery put before him. For all that he is a professor though, Huw finds it
much easier to “tell” both Stone and Mandy how to deal with life, love and
faith than he does to model it. So he too, especially I think in Lucifer, is more vulnerable and
therefore more human. He doesn’t have all the answers but plugs on regardless.
And I happen to think that that is a huge strength of anyone, fictional or
otherwise. To me, success in life is the ability to plug on regardless, not
having all the answers and not always being successful, but doing it anyway.
Q. Excalibur and Lucifer are part of a trilogy,
“The Oak Grove Conspiracies”. What’s next and how did you come up with that
A. The centerpiece of most Druid
ceremonies—their temple, if you will—was the Oak Grove. So that explains the
trilogy title I hope. What’s next is something tentatively called “The Madoc Treaty” which explores the
story that a Welsh prince, Madoc, sailed to North America in 1170, landing in
what is now known as Mobile Bay. In fact the Alabama chapter of the Daughters
of the American Revolution raised a plaque to that effect and had it placed on
the outer banks of that bay. Add to that, one of the underlying tasks President
Thomas Jefferson gave the Lewis and Clarke expedition was to seek out the truth
of a Welsh-speaking Indian tribe. These facts alone were enough to put the
story into motion. But, as I said earlier, where the story goes is in fact up
to the characters to decide. It’s their story. And I will be interested to see
where it leads. Won’t you?