Seduced by power
The increasing tension, bitterness, anger and outright hatred permeating
the US election is a sad reflection of our times.
But it was also predictable.
It was predictable the moment a number of prominent American evangelical
leaders determined that political power was the only route to ensuring that
their goals of establishing a “Christian” nation would succeed. The gathered
together and created groups like The Moral Majority. They became involved in
the political system at the grassroots level. They beat the streets for their
chosen candidates at local, state and federal levels. They courted the media.
They raised millions of dollars, aware that the only functional way to gain
access to the higher political spectrum was to create PAC’s (Political Action
Committees) that are the funding arm of any campaign. They aligned themselves
with conservative values not only in social areas but later in fiscal policy
and foreign affairs.
As the conservative movement grew in power and prestige, more
zealous—and therefore more dedicated and active—arms began to appear. One such
group called itself the Tea Party after a rebellious action just before the
Revolution. The name symbolized their disgust with the quid pro quo of American
politics and a desire for change.
And as these political groups grew in power and influence so too did their
recognition that they needed a broad power base to draw upon. For a variety of
philosophical reasons they realized that groups like The Moral Majority were,
broadly-speaking, like minded. So they courted the evangelical base in the
United States recognizing that this could be a powerful and influential group.
The two disenchanted wings of American society were growing closer together.
Evangelical leaders like James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and
others aligned themselves closer and closer with this wing of political
America. They embraced the celebrity it gave them. They enjoyed the power and
influence it gave them. They were at the pinnacle not only of church life, but
at the pinnacle of public prestige and impact. They loved the opportunities to
appear on national television news outlets even though they privately abhorred
the ‘liberal’ media. They actively sought and obtained platforms in the media
to spread their message. And to be fair, a lot of the time it was a spiritual
message. Their words pointed to the disintegration of the family at the hands
of social re-engineering; they emphasized the importance of personal faith in
all aspects of life and called for their supporters to express that faith
Nothing wrong with that.
But as that army began to grow, darker forces and attitudes also came
along. Dissent of any kind became a fuse point. The concept of “us” versus
“them” and the need—make that demand that you support “us”—leaped to the
forefront of dialogue. No longer was discussion or debate to be tolerated.
Rather, there developed a lockstep mindset. And out of that grew anger and
discontent. And out of that grew Donald Trump and some of the other candidates
for the Republican nomination.
That same mindset enveloped the Democrats as well. The siege mentality
grew and anger at Trump and the Republicans has grown exponentially.
Nobody has come out of this election campaign smelling of anything other
than rotting putrid garbage. The furor is particularly antagonistic towards the mainstream media with
its largely unsubstantiated charges of collusion, corruption, bias and so on. But I think
the greater finger of accusation should be pointed at social media. Yes, you
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram et al.
You want to see venom? Check out the responses to posts for or against
Trump. You want to see hatred in its purest unadulterated form, challenge a
Trump supporter on Donald’s words and demonstrative behaviour.
And, worst of all, is that evangelical Christians are most likely to be
the source of such venom and anger. Don’t believe it? Check out the worst, most
angry posts and then check out the person writing them. Words like “idiot”,
“liar!”, and “brain dead” are the least painful of the insults coming from
supposed followers of Christ.
Instead of reasoned dialogue and debate on issues, the discussion turns
into a childish school yard insulting match; “oh yeah? Well your candidate is
worse.” What a drop of reasoning and intelligence in this age when we are so
supposed to the be the most informed generation ever!
For outsiders like me looking in, the whole campaign is one of
“shake-your-head-I-can’t-believe-what-I’m-seeing-and-hearing !”
What went wrong?
I suggest that those evangelical leaders made an unwise and ungodly
decision to embrace the world’s level of power rather than God’s. They forsook
the future for the now. They were not content with following God’s plan or
God’s timing. They, probably quite sincerely, believed that action by man was
needed. In many ways that’s what many followers of Jesus were expecting him to
do. As the King he was expected to overthrow the Roman occupation. They were shocked to discover that this was never God’s plan
all along. Or how about the Israelites? Not content with waiting upon God despite all the blessings he had bestowed, the Israelites
demanded a King so they could deal with temporal matters themselves.. So God gave them Saul and what a disaster that turned out to be.
I say all this election furor was predictable because any time man turns
to and puts trust in man-created power, it is a recipe for disaster. The finest
of goals and hopes may become subverted by others who have far different
motivations and goals. Fame beguiles like a moth to the flame. Its sinewy tendrils
gently, then firmly entrap. Adulation, money, fame and power become an
addicting aphrodisiac. The core motivations begin slipping away into a vague
misty reflection of what was once strong and vibrant.
In the blink of an eye, the individual and his followers have been
seduced by power—the world’s power.
And for many of those evangelical leaders, the seduction is almost
complete. They are willing to bury or at least ignore, their core spiritual
beliefs to preserve the political path they’ve embarked upon. They downplay or
excuse away behaviour that diametrically opposes all that they believe and have
preached for decades. And which in the past has drawn their scorn and condemnation. The world has become their oyster at the expense of the
ministries they founded and nurtured; their followers are left with two
choices—agree, or fall away disappointed and disillusioned.
This is the sad reality of what I’ve seen happening in the United
States. Once vibrant and important ministries based on solid Christian
principles and teaching, pulled into a morass of political nightmares. Excuses
instead of loving gentle reproof. Disenchantment grips hold of supporters and
then anger and enmity toward those who disagree as the ministry becomes a pawn
in the “us against them” battle; my leader, right or wrong.
I am saddened by this seduction that has taken root in so many good
solid ministries; ministries that so many have looked up to for so long. I very
much fear that these excellent ministries may have suffered irreparable damage
to their reputations thanks to their leaders forsaking ministry for power.
No matter who wins this election, surely it is time for to turn away
from the seductive snare of political power and concentrate on the real source
of power, God. Speak up against immorality and sin by all means. Just don’t
become seduced to one political party or philosophy at the expense of your